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Immersion with Sabrina Benali in a Montreuil housing estate

On June 20th, I had the chance to accompany Sabrina Benali, an LFI activist and emergency doctor, during a visit to a housing project in Montreuil. Throughout the day, Sabrina took the time to engage with the residents, highlighting her commitment to health equality and social justice.

On the Ground

Upon our arrival, the residents of the housing project welcomed us warmly. Sabrina Benali, known for her dedication and human approach, quickly captured everyone’s attention. Unlike other political figures often perceived as distant, Sabrina is deeply rooted in the daily lives of Montreuil’s residents.

Montreuil, Ile-de-France, 02 July 2024. Sabrina Benali, candidate for the legislative elections, during a giant door-to-door event in the popular neighborhood of Place Morillon.

Accompanied by several volunteers, she started with a discussion with a group of mothers, highlighting the importance of equal access to healthcare. Walking through the streets of the housing project, she distributed leaflets while engaging in conversations with residents. Each interaction brought its share of concerns, and Sabrina responded attentively, addressing various topics such as health, education, and social services.

Authentic Encounters

What sets Sabrina Benali apart is her ability to connect authentically with everyone she meets, including children. Dressed simply, without frills, she embodies humility and closeness. This simplicity strengthens her connection with the residents and demonstrates her authenticity. She doesn’t just talk; she truly listens. This ability to establish sincere connections makes her unique and valuable.

Montreuil, Ile-de-France, 02 July 2024. Sabrina Benali, candidate for the legislative elections, during a giant door-to-door event in the popular neighborhood of Place Morillon.

A particularly moving moment was when she met a group of children playing in the street. Sabrina took the time to give them health advice and answer their questions with great kindness and care. This interaction not only reassured the children but also showed how essential Sabrina is in bringing about concrete and positive changes.

Technical Photo Analysis

The photo of Sabrina Benali captured during this visit uses an 85mm focal length with an aperture of f/2.8. The ISO was set to 400 to adapt to the variations in natural outdoor light, producing a sharp and detailed image. The composition of the photo highlights Sabrina’s sincere commitment and her authentic interactions with the residents.

Montreuil, Ile-de-France, 02 July 2024. Sabrina Benali, candidate for the legislative elections, during a giant door-to-door event in the popular neighborhood of Place Morillon.

This day spent with Sabrina Benali in the Montreuil housing project underscored the importance of direct dialogue with citizens. Sabrina managed to establish a deep connection with the community, thereby strengthening trust and hope for the future. Her authentic approach and commitment to local values stand out strongly compared to other political figures, illustrating the importance of having representatives truly connected to the reality of their constituents.

Sabrina Benali embodies the spirit of Montreuil: resilient, committed, and deeply human. Her work is crucial for building a better future, and I am honored to have witnessed it.

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